Very few essential vitamins and minerals are produced naturally by the body, however vitamin D is one that we produce simply by exposure to sunlight. You can supplement your vitamin D intake by ingesting vitamin D infused dairy products or taking it in pill form or simply apply our vitamin D patch after your shower.
Vitamin D is also called calciferol and is divided by scientists into two sections including vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. D2 is mostly manufactured by people using sunlight exposed mushrooms, and D3 occurs naturally through a person’s direct contact with UVB rays.
The current recommendation by many healthcare providers is 1,000 IU of vitamin D every single day for young people. This vitamin is essential in preventing depression, regulating type 2 diabetes, immunity against influenza and various autoimmune diseases, and helps against fractures and the damages associated with falling. One study suggests that increased vitamin D intake in the elderly may help prevent some of the risks associated with falling, including detrimental breaks in arms, legs, and hips.
This study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at sixty-eight participants in a North Carolina Meals-On-Wheels program, and gave thirty-four of them 100,000 International Units of vitamin D, and the other half a placebo. The researchers instructed the participants to keep a diary of their falls. Those researchers found that over 50% of these participants had insufficient vitamin D levels and less than 25% had levels that could be considered ideal. Of the 34 participants that received vitamin D supplementation, only one out of 34 had a sufficient amount of vitamin D.
Seniors who where given vitamin D supplements through the Meals on Wheels program reported amazingly half the falls as participants that did not receive vitamin D in the placebo group, according to the study published online Aug. 16 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Besides for regulating mental health, and supporting the immune system, vitamin D is also linked to calcium absorption, wherein insufficient amounts vitamin D in the body handicaps it, allowing it to only absorb 10 to 15 percent of dietary calcium. Calcium is a required mineral, which is associated with regulating metabolism and bone growth as well as sustained bone density. Calcium in conjunction with vitamin D will enhance the autoimmune system of the elderly as well as insulate them from the bone loss associated with aging.
Another study looked at the risk factors associated in the elderly for loss of bone mass density or BMD. They found risk factors in women included estrogen reduction in the body, weight loss, and alcohol usage. In men they found smoking and thinness to be the most major risk factors of fractures and breaking in the fall. The best things that you can do for your health, if you’re over the age of 65, is to gain weight, quit smoking and drinking if you have either of those habits, and to make certain that you’re getting your daily recommended doses of vitamin D so you can absorb your calcium.
Just think of that slice of cheesecake as being a supplement to your bone mass density, being rich in both calcium and vitamin D. Its high caloric value is beneficial to your weight gain regimen, which will ensure your bones maintain a healthy thickness to protect you from the damages of a potential fall.
It is a delicious way to maintain your happiness and your health.
Order your vitamin D patch here and don’t forget to eat your cheesecake!